Escape game Guardians of the Future[Closed]

Company: The Escape Artist

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


HarbourFront Shopping Centre, #03-15, 1 Maritime Square, (S)099253 ()

6988 9467

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At the same location

Квест Trapped Again

Trapped Again

The Escape Artist

Rating: (3 reviews)


Uncover conservation truths with WWF-Singapore (World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore)

The effects of climate change are becoming more apparent as rising sea levels, melting ice caps and erratic weather patterns threaten our homes and our way of life.

Due to the torrential rain, water starts to seep into your home. Feeling helpless, you can’t help but wonder if there’s anything you can do to prevent the worse from happening.

As you pack your belongings to evacuate, you look out at the trees and start questioning if the answer to your survival has been right in front of you all along.

Will you be the key to our survival as guardians of the future?

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